Project information
- Business APP Customization
- Starting @ Rs 14999
- Duration: Minimum 7 Days
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Business APP Customization
Much mobile application development is simply the creation of smartphone versions of existing enterprise apps. These include collaboration tools such as Microsoft Office 365. According to Okta, Office 365 is the world’s most popular business app. Mobile versions of Box, Slack, and Salesforce have also been downloaded tens of millions of times. And project management tools such as those from Asana are also very highly rated. The mobile app is often more convenient for many users than the desktop version. It also allows them to make productive use of downtime, such as when they are travelling to and from meetings.
As we explained above, certain types of workers would have no access to enterprise systems without mobile business apps. Apps also improve productivity by making better use of what would otherwise be downtime for mobile employees. In addition, many customers prefer to engage with their service providers on mobile channels. Many business apps, therefore, enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, many business persons don’t have ready access to PCs. These include shop- or factory-floor workers. Also among this group are field service workers. Mobile apps are the best – and often only – way to access corporate systems for these people. The world of business apps breaks into two different types: B2B apps enable different companies to exchange information. This is especially important in areas such as inventory management. Internal apps ensure that employees have mobile access to the enterprise systems listed above. There are, of course, several different mobile operating systems (OS). However, the mobile app market is completely controlled by Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS. Between them, they account for 99% of the mobile market. Android is the dominant platform, with a 73% share. However, Apple is the second most popular maker of mobile phones in the world (after Samsung). So, most of the firms involved in mobile app development must create iOS and Android apps to ensure that the user experience is of the right quality. They must also have developers sufficiently familiar with the different systems to ensure that the overall app design is right for each platform.